

i am not oliver
oliver is locked in his room right now
sleeping endlessly


he found something
he found something to help him fight me
he found something to battle the anxiety
he found home

em ton s'tI

but fighting anxiety wont do shit for you if thats all you ever do
youll be too busy fighting me to focus on your life
and once you realize that ive become impossible to ignore
well fight again

yrros m'I

ill take over again
i always do

mih pots ot woh erus ton m'I

his home is gone
time killed it
always does

i dont sleep
i dont rest
i am always here in the back of your head
the twitch in your hands
the urge to destroy what youve made

there is good and evil
black and white
no more gray

oliver is growing ever more sleepless
and well go to sleep soon enough


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